Awwww, finally. Hello fellow bike nerds! Lets get this thing rolling (no pun intended).
This blog is a collection of bicycle-related things that I stumbled across and thought were noteworthy, interesting, or pretty. Most of these things were probably cherry picked from forums I was paroozing. You'll also find some personal stories as I recollect my past experiences with a bicycle. As an engineer, design related posts might appear as well. Enjoy!
There was one time in Corvallis when I saw a bike with (what I thought was) a huge frame. This got me thinking "how big can frames get?". A couple google searches later and that itch was thoroughly scratched. I've also been making note of large frames on craigslist just for kicks.
The original bike that got me thinking about this whole thing.
Bill Walton, 6'11"
Yao Ming, 7'6"
one HUGE craigslist bike
(much more obscure content to come. stay tuned)